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  • Ergoterapeut ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (1998)
  • Mastergrad i Helsefagvitenskap ved Institutt for helse og samfunn, Universitetet i Oslo (2016)
  • Doktorgrad (PhD) i Helsevitenskap ved Fakultet for helsevitenskap, OsloMet (2022)


  • Postdok-forsker ved Enhet for Helsetjenesteforskning og Innovasjon, Diakonhjemmet Sykehus


  • Tverrfaglig rehabilitering
  • Pasientspesifikke mål og målprosesser
  • Kvalitetsindikatorer
  • Kvalitet og kvalitetsforbedring i rehabiliteringstjenester
  • Standardiserte utfallsmål i rehabilitering


  • Leder av Norwegian Interdisciplinary Organisation in Rheumatology (NIOR)


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Diakonhjemmet sykehus
Diakonveien 12
0370 Oslo


Diakohjemmet sykehus
Postboks 23 Vinderen
0319 Oslo


WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning


Kontinuitet og kvalitet i rehabilitering av pasienter med sykdommer og plager i muskelskjelettsystemer

Ingvild Kjeken
WP3 - Smertemekanismer og -behandling


Spesialisert rehabilitering ved private rehabiliteringsinstitusjoner

Rikke Helene Moe
WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning

RehabNytte - kvalitet

Kvalitet og utbytte i rehabilitering

Ingvild Kjeken


Publikasjoner hentet fra Nasjonalt vitenarkiv (NVA):

Does follow-up really matter? A convergent mixed methods study exploring follow-up across levels of care in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases

Gunnhild Berdal, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Anita Dyb Linge, Ann Margret Aasvold, Kjetil Tennebø, Siv Grødal Eppeland

Disability and Rehabilitation


Examining the Building Blocks of Health Behavior Change in Rheumatology Rehabilitation: A Theory-Driven Qualitative Study

Gunnhild Berdal, Ingvild Kjeken, Anita Dyb Linge, Ann Margret Aasvold, Kjetil Tennebø, Siv Grødal Eppeland

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare


Completeness of repeated patient-reported outcome measures in adult rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial in a diverse clinical population

Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Ingvild Kjeken, Renate Foss Skardal, Gunhild Maria Gjerset, Tonje Jossie Johnsen, Anne Dorte Lyken

BMC Health Services Research


Bridging gaps across levels of care in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: Results from a stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial

Gunnhild Berdal, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Anita Dyb Linge, Ann Margret Aasvold, Kjetil Tennebø, Siv Grødal Eppeland

Clinical Rehabilitation


Delivery of a quality improvement program in team-based rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: a mixed methods study

Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Gunnhild Berdal, Gerd Jenny Aanerud, Maryam Azimi, Anne Merete Bjørnerud, Turid Nygaard Dager

Disability and Rehabilitation


Associations between quality of health care and clinical outcomes in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: a rehabilitation cohort study

Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Gunnhild Berdal, Maryam Azimi, Ingvild Bø, Turid Nygaard Dager, Siv Grødal Eppeland

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


A quality indicator set for rehabilitation services for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases demonstrates adequate responsiveness in a pre–post evaluation

Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Gunnhild Berdal, Maryam Azimi, Ingvild Bø, Turid Nygaard Dager, Siv Grødal Eppeland

BMC Health Services Research


Structured goal planning and supportive telephone followup in rheumatology care: results from a pragmatic stepped‐wedge cluster‐randomized trial

Gunnhild Berdal, Ingvild Bø, Turid Nygaard Dager, Anne Dingsør, Siv Grødal Eppeland, Jon Hagfors

Arthritis care & research


Aiming for a healthier life: a qualitative content analysis of rehabilitation goals in patients with rheumatic diseases

Gunnhild Berdal, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Ingvild Bø, Turid Nygaard Dager, Anne Dingsør, Siv Grødal Eppeland

Disability and Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic diseases: Patient experiences of a structured goal planning and tailored follow-up programme

Turid Nygaard Dager, Ingvild Kjeken, Gunnhild Berdal, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Ingvild Bø, Anne Dingsør

SAGE Open Medicine


Exercises with telephone follow-up versus usual care in people with hand osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial

Nina Østerås, Kåre Birger Hagen, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Margreth Grotle, Ingvild Kjeken

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Limited effects of exercises in people with hand osteoarthritis: Results from a randomised controlled trial.

Nina Østerås, Kåre Birger Hagen, Margreth Grotle, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Petter Mowinckel, Ingvild Kjeken

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Evaluation of a structured goal planning and tailored follow-up programme in rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic diseases: Protocol for a pragmatic, stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial

Ingvild Kjeken, Gunnhild Berdal, Ingvild Bø, Turid Nygaard Dager, Anne Dingsør, Jon Hagfors

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Exercise programme with telephone follow-up for people with hand osteoarthritis - Protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Nina Østerås, Kåre Birger Hagen, Margreth Grotle, Anne-Lene Sand-Svartrud, Petter Mowinckel, Eline Aas

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders