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  • Cand. Psychol
  • Videreutdanning i samfunnspsykologi
  • Dr. Philos


  • Seniorforsker ved Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for revmatologisk rehabilitering, Diakonhjemmet sykehus
  • Seniorforsker, Klynge for vurdering av tiltak, Folkehelseinstituttet


  • Systematiske oversikter
  • Meta-analyser
  • Statistikk
  • Forskningsmetode
  • Grunnlagsproblemer i forskning


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Diakonhjemmet sykehus
Diakonveien 12
0370 Oslo


Diakohjemmet sykehus
Postboks 23 Vinderen
0319 Oslo


Publikasjoner hentet fra Nasjonalt vitenarkiv (NVA):

Rehabilitation after total or hemi elbow arthroplasty: a systematic review

Karin Hesseberg, Inger Storrønning, Silje Mari Urdal Sand, Geir Smedslund

Orthopedic Reviews


Rehabilitation after total or hemi elbow arthroplasty: a systematic review

Inger Storrønning, Silje Mari Urdal Sand, Geir Smedslund

Orthopedic Reviews


Motivational interviewing for substance use reduction

Rosemarie Schwenker, Carla Emilia Dietrich, Selamawit Hirpa, Monika Nothacker, Geir Smedslund, Thomas Frese

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


PROTOCOL: The FRIENDS preventive programme for reducing anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents: A systematic review

Trine Filges, Geir Smedslund, Tine Eriksen, Kirsten Birkefoss

Campbell systematic reviews


Effects of Analgesics on Self-Reported Physical Function and Walking Ability in People With Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Geir Smedslund, David A. Walsh, Hanne Solveig Dagfinrud

Physical Therapy


Patient engagement in the development and delivery of healthcare services: a systematic scoping review

Joachim Støren Sagen, Geir Smedslund, Ann Elisabeth Simonsen, Andreas Hanssønn Habberstad, Ingvild Kjeken, Hanne Dagfinrud

BMJ Open Quality


Umbilical cord blood acid–base analysis at birth and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hilde Tinderholt Myrhaug, Anne Kaasen, Aase Serine Devold Pay, Lena Henriksen, Geir Smedslund, Ola Didrik Saugstad

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Is psychological science progressing? Explained variance in PsycINFO articles during the period 1956 to 2022

Geir Smedslund, Jan Ketil Arnulf, Jan Smedslund

Frontiers in Psychology


Interventions for osteoarthritis pain: A systematic review with network meta-analysis of existing Cochrane reviews

Geir Smedslund, Ingvild Kjeken, Frauke Musial, Joseph Sexton, Nina Østerås

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open


Sarcoidosis with musculoskeletal manifestations: systematic review of non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments

Geir Smedslund, Martina Kotar, Till Uhlig

Rheumatology International


Effects of a mindfulness-based and acceptance-based group programme followed by physical activity for patients with fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial

Trond Haugmark, Kåre Birger Hagen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Geir Smedslund, Heidi A Zangi

BMJ Open


Electroconvulsive therapy for depression

Kari Ann Leiknes, Rigmor Berg, Geir Smedslund, Lindy Jarosch-von Schweder, Simon Øverland, Karianne T Hammerstrøm

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


The mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, and interventions to help them: A rapid systematic review

Ashley Elizabeth Muller, Elisabet Vivianne Hafstad, Jan Peter William Himmels, Geir Smedslund, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Synne Stensland

Psychiatry Research


Mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions for patients with fibromyalgia - A systematic review and meta-analyses.

Trond Haugmark, Kåre Birger Hagen, Geir Smedslund, Heidi Andersen Zangi



Meta-analyse: kondisjon- og styrketrening reduserer sykdomsaktivitet hos pasienter med inflammatoriske revmatiske sykdommer.

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Kåre Birger Hagen, Geir Smedslund, Hanne Dagfinrud

Best Practice, Revmatologi


Effects of Computerized Interventions on Risky Alcohol Use Among Youth: Systematic Review

Geir Smedslund, Wendy Nilsen, Sabine Wollscheid, Asbjørn Steiro, Lin Fang, Lillebeth Larun

Research on social work practice


Evidence of reduced parasympathetic autonomic regulation in inflammatory joint disease: A meta-analyses study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Daniela Schäfer Olstad, Erik Ekker Solberg, Geir Smedslund, Hanne Dagfinrud

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Exercise for Hand Osteoarthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review

Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Till Uhlig

Journal of Rheumatology


The importance of dose in land-based supervised exercise for people with hip osteoarthritis. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tuva Moseng, Hanne Dagfinrud, Geir Smedslund, Nina Østerås

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Effect of cardiorespiratory and strength exercises on disease activity in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Geir Smedslund, Kåre Birger Hagen, Hanne Dagfinrud

British Journal of Sports Medicine


Exercise for hand osteoarthritis

Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Till Uhlig

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Effects of early, computerized brief interventions on risky alcohol and cannabis use among young people

Geir Smedslund, Sabine Wollscheid, Lin Fang, Wendy Nilsen, Asbjørn Steiro, Lillebeth Larun

Campbell systematic reviews


Psychosocial interventions for retention in drug abuse treatment

Therese Kristine Dalsbø, Karianne Hammerstrøm, Gunn Elisabeth Vist, Hanne Gjermo, Geir Smedslund, Asbjørn Steiro

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Quality of Community-Based Osteoarthritis Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kåre Birger Hagen, Geir Smedslund, Nina Østerås, Gro Jamtvedt

Arthritis care & research


Aggression replacement training (ART) for reducing antisocial behavior in adolescents and adults: A systematic review.

Lars Brännström, C Kaunitz, Anna-Karin Andershed, Sandra South, Geir Smedslund

Aggression and Violent Behavior


Active Labour Market Programme Participation for Unemployment Insurance Recipients: A Systematic Review

Trine Filges, Geir Smedslund, Anne-Marie Klint Jørgensen

Research on social work practice


Design and effects of supportive followup interventions in clinical care of patients with rheumatic diseases: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Gunnhild Berdal, Geir Smedslund, Hanne Dagfinrud, Kåre Birger Hagen, Ingvild Kjeken

Arthritis care & research


Effect of early, brief computerized interventions on risky alcohol use and risky cannabis use among young people: protocol for a systematic review

Sabine Wollscheid, Lin Fang, Wendy Nilsen, Geir Smedslund, Asbjørn Steiro, Lillebeth Larun

Campbell systematic reviews


Measurement properties of instruments assessing self-efficacy in patients with rheumatic diseases: a systematic review

Andrew Garratt, Ida Løchting, Geir Smedslund, Kåre Birger Hagen



Do weather changes influence pain levels in women with fibromyalgia, and can psychosocial variables moderate these influences?

Geir Smedslund, Hilde Eide, Olöf Birna Kristjansdottir, Andrea Nes, Hal Sexton, Egil Andreas Fors

International journal of biometeorology


Exercise therapy for bone and muscle health : an overview of systematic reviews

Kåre Birger Hagen, Hanne Dagfinrud, Rikke Helene Moe, Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Margreth Grotle




Geir Smedslund

Norsk Epidemiologi


Two to five repeated measurements per patient reduced the required sample size considerably in a randomized clinical trial for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases

Geir Smedslund, Heidi Andersen Zangi, Petter Mowinckel, Kåre Birger Hagen

BMC Research Notes


Exercises for hand osteoarthritis (Protocol)

Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Slatkovsky-Christensen, Till Uhlig

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Exercise therapy for bone and muscle health: an overview of systematic reviews

Kåre Birger Hagen, Hanne Dagfinrud, Rikke Helene Moe, Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Margreth Grotle

BMC Medicine


Resultater fra en randomisert, kontrollert studie. Hjelpemidler bedrer aktivitetsutførelse hos personer med håndartrose

Ingvild Kjeken, Siri Darre, Geir Smedslund, Kåre Birger Hagen, Randi Nossum

Ergoterapeuten (dansk)


Cognitive behavioural therapy for men who physically abuse their female partner

Therese Kristine Dalsbø, Geir Smedslund, Asbjørn Steiro, Aina Winsvold, Jocelyne Clench-Aas

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Systematic review of design and effects of splints and exercise programs in hand osteoarthritis

Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Till Uhlig, Kåre Birger Hagen

Arthritis Care and Research


Systematic Review of Design and Effects of Splints and Exercise Programs in Hand Osteoarthritis

Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Till Uhlig, Kåre Birger Hagen, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen

Arthritis Care and Research


Effect of assistive technology in hand osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial

Ingvild Kjeken, Siri Darre, Geir Smedslund, Kåre Birger Hagen, Randi Nossum

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Does rain really cause pain? A systematic review of the associations between weather factors and severity of pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis

Geir Smedslund, Kåre Birger Hagen

European Journal of Pain


Motiverende intervju for rusmisbruk

Geir Smedslund, Rigmor C. Berg, Karianne Hammerstrøm, Asbjørn Steiro, Kari Ann Leiknes, Helene M Dahl

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Electroconvulsive therapy for depression Protocol information

Kari Ann Leiknes, Rigmor C. Berg, Geir Smedslund, Lindy Jarosch-von Schweder, Simon Nygaard Øverland, Karianne Hammerstrøm

The Cochrane library