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  • Fysioterapeut ved Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
  • Grunnfag pedagogikk ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Hovedfag i helsefag ved Universitetet i Bergen
  • Doktorgrad (PhD) ved Institutt for helse og samfunn, Universitetet i Oslo


  • Leder ved Enhet for Helsetjenesteforskning og Innovasjon (EHI), Diakonhjemmet Sykehus
  • Seniorforsker ved EHI, Diakonhjemmet sykehus
  • Professor II, Institutt for helse og samfunn, Universitetet i Oslo


  • Muskelskjelettsykdommer, skader og plager – særlig artrose
  • Revmatiske muskelskjelettsykdommer
  • eHelse og digital hjemmeoppfølging
  • Samhandling
  • Kvalitet på behandling
  • Implementeringsforskning
  • Randomiserte kontrollerte studier


  • Leder av arbeidspakke 5 i REMEDY (Strategier for digital oppfølging)


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Diakonhjemmet sykehus
Diakonveien 12
0370 Oslo


Diakohjemmet sykehus
Postboks 23 Vinderen
0319 Oslo


WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning


Digital Artrosebehandling

Anne Therese Tveter
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging

EULAR rec hip knee OA

EULAR anbefalinger hofte- og kneartrose: Oppdatering av EULAR anbefalinger for ikke-farmakologisk kjernebehandling av hofte- og kneartrose.

Nina Østerås
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Avstandsoppfølging av pasienter med revmatoid artritt

Anne Therese Tveter
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Digitale mestringsverktøy og digital oppfølging for å støtte samvalg i behandling av pasienter med kneartrose

Anne Therese Tveter
WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning


Kvalitetsindikatorer for håndartrose

Daniel Huseby Bordvik
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Digital hjemmeoppfølging av pasienter med spondyloartritt

Nina Østerås
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging

ReMonit Gout

Digital hjemmeoppfølging og mestring av urinsyregikt

Nina Østerås
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Brukererfaringer med digital hjemmeoppfølging for pasienter med inflammatorisk leddsykdom

Anne Therese Tveter
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Samhandling for bedre artrosebehandling

Nina Østerås
WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning


SPondylARitt Kondis

Sella Aarrestad Provan


Publikasjoner hentet fra Nasjonalt vitenarkiv (NVA):

EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological core management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: 2023 update

Tuva Moseng, Theodora P.M. Vliet Vlieland, Simone Battista, David Beckwée, Vladimira Boyadzhieva, Philip G. Conaghan

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Long-term changes in pain and function in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis receiving brief information, occupational therapy and/or surgery

Anne Therese Tveter, Nina Østerås, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Hoegh Matre

Musculoskeletal Care


Critically appraised paper: Telerehabilitation consultations with a physiotherapist are non-inferior to in-person consultations for chronic knee pain [synopsis]

Nina Østerås

Journal of Physiotherapy


Presentation of the first international research network to foster high-quality clinical trials testing non-pharmacological interventions (TRACTION network)

Ricardo J O Ferreira, Adriana Henriques, Rikke Helene Moe, Cristiano Matos, Anne Therese Tveter, Nina Østerås

BMJ Open


Patients with axial spondyloarthritis reported willingness to use remote care and showed high adherence to electronic patient-reported outcome measures: an 18-month observational study

Emil E. Kvernberg Thomassen, Inger Jorid Berg, Eirik Kristianslund, Anne Therese Tveter, Gunnstein Bakland, Laure Gossec

Rheumatology International


Usage, Attitudes, Facilitators, and Barriers Toward Digital Health Technologies in Musculoskeletal Care: Survey Among Primary Care Physiotherapists in Norway

Lars Martinsen, Nina Østerås, Tuva Moseng, Anne Therese Tveter

JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies


Critically appraised paper: An individualised, progressive walking and education intervention reduces the risk of low back pain recurrence [synopsis]

Nina Østerås

Journal of Physiotherapy


Critically appraised paper: Cognitive behavioural therapy with best-evidence pain management was not superior to best-evidence pain management alone for patients with chronic spinal pain and insomnia [synopsis]

Nina Østerås

Journal of Physiotherapy


Follow-Up of Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis in Specialist Health Care With Remote Monitoring and Self-Monitoring Compared With Regular Face-to-Face Follow-Up Visits (the ReMonit Study): Protocol for a Randomized, Controlled Open-Label Noninferiority Trial

Inger Jorid Berg, Anne Therese Tveter, Gunnstein Bakland, Sarah Hakim, Eirik Kristianslund, Siri Lillegraven

JMIR Research Protocols


Willingness, perceived facilitators and barriers to use remote care among healthcare professionals – a cross-sectional study

Emil Eirik Kvernberg Thomassen, Inger Jorid Berg, Eirik Klami Kristianslund, Anne Therese Tveter, Nina Østerås

BMC Health Services Research


Longer-term quality of care, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of implementing a model of care for osteoarthritis: A cluster-randomized controlled trial

Nina Østerås, Eline Aas, Tuva Moseng, Leti van Bodegom-Vos, Krysia Dziedzic, Bård Natvig

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


The efficacy of strength or aerobic exercise on quality of life and knee function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. A multi-arm randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up

Britt Elin Øiestad, Asbjørn Årøen, Jan H Røtterud, Nina Østerås, Even Jarstad, Margreth Grotle

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Is multimodal occupational therapy in addition to usual care cost-effective in people with thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis? A cost-utility analysis of a randomised controlled trial

Anne Therese Tveter, Linn Kleven, Nina Østerås, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide

BMJ Open


Patient-Reported Quality of Care for Osteoarthritis in General Practice in South Tyrol, Italy: Protocol for Translation, Validation and Assessment of the OsteoArthritis Quality Indicator Questionnaire (OA-QI)

Christian J. Wiedermann, Pasqualina Marino, Antje van der Zee-Neuen, Isabella Mastrobuono, Angelika Mahlknecht, Verena Barbieri

Methods and Protocols (MP)


Evaluating Osteoarthritis Management Programs: outcome domain recommendations from the OARSI Joint Effort Initiative

K.D. Allen, K. Huffman, R.J. Cleveland, der van der Esch, J.H. Abbott, A. Abbott

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Interventions for osteoarthritis pain: A systematic review with network meta-analysis of existing Cochrane reviews

Geir Smedslund, Ingvild Kjeken, Frauke Musial, Joseph Sexton, Nina Østerås

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open


Effect of a mHealth exercise intervention compared with supervised exercise therapy in osteoarthritis management: protocol of the DigiOA trial

Lars Martinsen, Nina Østerås, Tuva Moseng, Anne Therese Tveter

BMJ Open


2022 EULAR points to consider for remote care in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases

Annette De Thurah, Philipp Bosch, Andrea Marques, Yvette Meissner, Chetan B Mukhtyar, Johannes Knitza

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Development of radiographic classification criteria for hand osteoarthritis: a methodological report (Phase 2)

Ida Kristin Bos-Haugen, David Felson, Abhishek Abhishek, Francis Berenbaum, John James Edwards, Gabriel Herrero Beaumont

RMD Open


A Framework to Guide the Development of Health Care Professional Education and Training in Best Evidence Osteoarthritis Care

Sarah Kobayashi, Kelli Allen, Kim Bennell, Jocelyn L. Bowden, Andrew M. Briggs, Annette Burgess

Clinics in Geriatric Medicine


Best Evidence Osteoarthritis Care: What Are the Recommendations and What Is Needed to Improve Practice?

Bimbi Gray, Jillian P. Eyles, Sandra Grace, David J. Hunter, Nina Østerås, Jonathan Quicke

Clinics in Geriatric Medicine


Use of video consultations in an outpatient rheumatology clinic

Anne Therese Tveter, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Ellen Moholt, Kjetil Bergsmark, Nina Østerås

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening


Endorsement of the domains of knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) flare: A report from the OMERACT 2020 inaugural virtual consensus vote from the flares in OA working group

Lauren K. King, Jonathan Epstein, Marita Cross, Marie Buzzi, Thomas Buttel, Sam Michel Cembalo

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Improving osteoarthritis management in primary healthcare: results from a quasi-experimental study

Nina Østerås, Irma Brandeggen Blaker, Tore Hjortland, Elizabeth Cottrell, Jonathan G. Quicke, Krysia S. Dziedzic

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


The Measure of Activity Performance of the hand (MAP-Hand) - A reliable and valid questionnaire for use in patients with hand osteoarthritis with specific involvement of the thumb

Anne Therese Tveter, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Hoegh Matre, Monika Olsen

Journal of Hand Therapy


Short-Term Effects of Occupational Therapy on Hand Function and Pain in Patients With Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis: Secondary Analyses From a Randomized Controlled Trial

Anne Therese Tveter, Nina Østerås, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Hoegh Matre

Arthritis care & research


The map-hand: Psychometric properties and differences in activity performance between patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Anne Therese Tveter, Nina Østerås, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Hoegh Matre

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine


Patient Goals and Motivation for Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis Surgery

Else Marit Holen Gravås, Ingvild Kjeken, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Hoegh Matre



Relationship between cam morphology, hip symptoms, and hip osteoarthritis: the Musculoskeletal pain in Ullersaker STudy (MUST) cohort

Joanne L. Kemp, Nina Østerås, Alexander Mathiessen, Lars Nordsletten, Rintje Agricola, Jan H Waarsing

HIP International


Low adherence to exercise may have influenced the proportion of OMERACT-OARSI responders in an integrated osteoarthritis care model: secondary analyses from a cluster-randomised stepped-wedge trial

Tuva Moseng, Hanne Solveig Dagfinrud, Leti van Bodegom-Vos, Krysia Dziedzic, Kåre Birger Hagen, Bård Natvig

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Does occupational therapy delay or reduce the proportion of patients that receives thumb carpometacarpal joint surgery? A multicentre randomised controlled trial

Else Marit Holen Gravås, Nina Østerås, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Matre

RMD Open


The Maternal and Paternal Effects on Clinically and Surgically Defined Osteoarthritis

Eirik Weldingh, Marianne Bakke Johnsen, Kåre Birger Hagen, Nina Østerås, May Arna Risberg, Bård Natvig

Arthritis & Rheumatology


Implementing a structured model for osteoarthritis care in primary healthcare: A stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial

Nina Østerås, Tuva Moseng, Leti van Bodegom-Vos, Krysia Dziedzic, Ibrahimu Mdala, Bård Natvig

PLoS Medicine


Biomarkers of cardiovascular risk across phenotypes of osteoarthritis

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Eirik Ikdahl, Alexander Mathiessen, Inger Jorid Berg, I. B. Wilkinson

Biomed Central Rheumatology


Non-pharmacological treatment gap preceding surgical consultation in thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis- A cross-sectional study

Else Marit Holen Gravås, Anne Therese Tveter, Randi Nossum, Ruth Else Meh Eide, Åse Klokkeide, Karin Matre

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Implementing international osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: uptake and fidelity among health professionals and patients

Tuva Moseng, Hanne Dagfinrud, Nina Østerås

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


The Ottawa Panel guidelines on programmes involving therapeutic exercise for the management of hand osteoarthritis

Lucie Brosseau, Odette Thevenot, Olivia MacKiddie, Jade Taki, George A. Wells, Paulette Guitard

Clinical Rehabilitation


Measurement properties for the revised patient-reported OsteoArthritis Quality Indicator questionnaire

Nina Østerås, Anne Therese Tveter, Andrew Garratt, Odd-Einar Svinøy, Ingvild Kjeken, Bård Natvig

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Evidence-Based Self-Management for Spondyloarthritis Patients

Wolfgang Leister, Camilla Fongen, Dag Soldal, Kåre Birger Hagen, Trenton Wade Schulz, Peder Aursand

International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences


Exercise for Hand Osteoarthritis: A Cochrane Systematic Review

Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Till Uhlig

Journal of Rheumatology


Smoking and alcohol use are associated with structural and inflammatory hand osteoarthritis features

Karin Magnusson, Alexander Mathiessen, Hilde Berner Hammer, Tore Kristian Kvien, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Bård Natvig

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology


Distribution of osteoarthritis in a Norwegian population-based cohort: associations to risk factor profiles and health-related quality of life

Guro Økelsrud Lombnæs, Karin Magnusson, Nina Østerås, Lars Nordsletten, May Arna Risberg, Kåre Birger Hagen

Rheumatology International


The importance of dose in land-based supervised exercise for people with hip osteoarthritis. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tuva Moseng, Hanne Dagfinrud, Geir Smedslund, Nina Østerås

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage


Exercise for hand osteoarthritis

Nina Østerås, Ingvild Kjeken, Geir Smedslund, Rikke Helene Moe, Barbara Therese Slatkovsky Christensen, Till Uhlig

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Patient-reported quality indicators for osteoarthritis: A patient and public generated self-report measure for primary care

Steven Blackburn, Adele Higginbottom, Robert Taylor, Jo Bird, Nina Østerås, Kåre Birger Hagen

Research Involvement and Engagement


Consensus on exercise reporting template (Cert): Modified delphi study

Susan C. Slade, Clermont E. Dionne, Martin Underwood, Rachelle Buchbinder, Belinda Beck, Kim Bennell

Physical Therapy


Animated Activity Questionnaire (AAQ), a new method of self-reporting activity limitations in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis: Comparisons with observation by spouses for construct validity

Wilfred Peter, Hanne Dagfinrud, Nina Østerås, CB Terwee

Musculoskeletal Care


Quality of Community-Based Osteoarthritis Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kåre Birger Hagen, Geir Smedslund, Nina Østerås, Gro Jamtvedt

Arthritis care & research


Self-reported quality care for knee osteoarthritis: comparisons across Denmark, Norway, Portugal and the UK

Nina Østerås, K. P. Jordan, B Clausen, C Cordeiro, K Dziedzic, J Edwards

RMD Open