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  • Lege (MD) ved det medisinske fakultet, Universitet i Oslo (1996)
  • Doktorgrad (PhD) ved Universitetet i Oslo (2011)


  • Overlege i revmatologi, Diakonhjemmet sykehus
  • Seniorforsker, Klinikk for revmatologi, poliklinikk og forskning, Diakonhjemmet sykehus
  • Professor, seksjon for folkehelse, Høgskolen Innlandet


  • Epidemiologi, registerdata med fokus på komorbiditeter innenfor inflammatoriske leddsykdommer og helseøkonomi
  • Ikke-medikamentell intervensjonsforskning med utvikling av innovative digitale verktøy forbehandling og monitorering
  • Kroniske smertetilstander
  • Biomarkører som utfall og surrogatmarkør for komorbiditeter


  • Co-leder arbeidspakke 6 i REMEDY (Langtidsoppfølging)


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Diakonhjemmet sykehus
Diakonveien 12
0370 Oslo


Diakohjemmet sykehus
Postboks 23 Vinderen
0319 Oslo


WP6 - Langtidsoppfølging


Helseøkonomi ved behandling av inflammatoriske artrittsykdommer

Sella Aarrestad Provan
WP6 - Langtidsoppfølging


Det norske registeret for antirevmatiske legemidler

Tore K. Kvien
WP2 - Presisjonsmedisin


Immunologisk respons på COVID-19 vaksine hos pasienter på immunosuppressiv behandling

Guro Løvik Goll
WP5 - Strategier for digital oppfølging


Digital hjemmeoppfølging av pasienter med spondyloartritt

Nina Østerås
WP7 - Mestring og medvirkning


SPondylARitt Kondis

Sella Aarrestad Provan
WP1 - Behandlingsstudier


Maksimering av effekten av reseptbelagte legemidler ved revmatoid artritt 

Espen A. Haavardsholm


Publikasjoner hentet fra Nasjonalt vitenarkiv (NVA):

Participatory Development of a Virtual Reality Exercise Program for People with Chronic Pain

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Giovanna Calogiuri, Sigbjørn Litleskare, Linda Røset, Henning Pettersen, Ole E. Flaten

Games for Health Journal


Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 immunity after vaccination and breakthrough infection in rituximab-treated rheumatoid arthritis patients: a prospective cohort study

Hassen Kared, Ingrid Jyssum, Amin Alirezaylavasani, Ingrid Marie Egner, Trung The Tran, Lisa Tietze

Frontiers in Immunology


A validation of register-derived diagnoses of interstitial lung disease in patients with inflammatory arthritis: data from the NOR-DMARD study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, F. Ahlfors, Gunnstein Bakland, Yi Hu, E.K. Kristianslund, Eirik Ikdahl

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology


Patient-reported outcomes in axial spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients treated with secukinumab for 24 months in daily clinical practice

Sara Nysom Christiansen, Simon Horskjær Rasmussen, Marion Pons, Brigitte Michelsen, Bente Glintborg, Bjorn Gudbjornsson

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Developing and externally validating multinomial prediction models for methotrexate treatment outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from an international collaboration

Celina K. Gehringer, Glen P. Martin, Kimme L. Hyrich, Suzanne M.M. Verstappen, Joseph Sexton, Eirik Kristianslund

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology


Incidence and outcome of COVID-19 following vaccine and hybrid immunity in patients on immunosuppressive therapy: identification of protective post-immunisation anti-RBD antibody levels in a prospective cohort study

Hilde Sofie Sager Ørbo, Kristin Reine Hammersbøen, Joseph Sexton, Ingrid Jyssum, Anne Therese Tveter, Ingrid Egeland Christensen

RMD Open


Ultrasound evaluation contrasts clinical disease activity evaluation in rheumatoid arthritis patients with concomitant anxiety or depression

Brigitte Michelsen, Joseph Sexton, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Tore Kristian Aaserud Kvien, Hilde Berner Hammer

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Cut-Offs for Disease Activity States in Axial Spondyloarthritis With Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) Based on C-Reactive Protein and ASDAS Based on Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: Are They Interchangeable?

Stylianos Georgiadis, Lykke Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, Brigitte Michelsen, Tore Kristian Aaserud Kvien, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Johan K. Wallman

Journal of Rheumatology


Effectiveness of secukinumab in radiographic and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: a European routine-care observational study

Sara Nysom Christiansen, Simon Horskjær Rasmussen, Mikkel Ostergaard, Marion Pons, Brigitte Michelsen, Karel Pavelka

RMD Open


Interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis patients initiating biologics, and controls - data from five Nordic registries

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Eirik Klami Kristianslund, Brigitte Michelsen, Tillmann Uhlig, Joseph Sexton, Tore Kristian Aaserud Kvien

Journal of Rheumatology


T cell responses to repeated SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and breakthrough infections in patients on TNF inhibitor treatment: a prospective cohort study

Asia-Sophia Fumika Michaela Wolf, Kristin Reine Hammersbøen, Hilde Sofie Sager Ørbo, Sabin Bhandari, Guri Solum, Ingrid Fadum Kjønstad



Non-adherence to urate lowering therapy in gout after 5 years is related to poor outcomes - results from the NOR-Gout study

Tillmann Uhlig, Lars Fridtjof Karoliussen, Joseph Sexton, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Espen Andre Haavardsholm, Hilde Berner Hammer



Recording of non-musculoskeletal manifestations, comorbidities and safety outcomes in European spondyloarthritis registries: A survey

Zohra F Ahmadzay, Jette Heberg, Jacob B Jørgensen, Lykke M Ørnbjerg, Mikkel Østergaard, Signe Møller-Bisgaard

Rheumatology - Advances in Practice (Rheumap)


Humoral and cellular responses to a fifth bivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases on tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: a prospective cohort study

Hilde Sofie Sager Ørbo, Taissa de Matos Kasahara, Asia-Sophia Fumika Michaela Wolf, Kristin H. Bjørlykke, Joseph Sexton, Ingrid Jyssum

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe


Follow-Up of Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis in Specialist Health Care With Remote Monitoring and Self-Monitoring Compared With Regular Face-to-Face Follow-Up Visits (the ReMonit Study): Protocol for a Randomized, Controlled Open-Label Noninferiority Trial

Inger Jorid Berg, Anne Therese Tveter, Gunnstein Bakland, Sarah Hakim, Eirik Kristianslund, Siri Lillegraven

JMIR Research Protocols


Definition of rheumatoid arthritis flare based on SDAI and CDAI

Victoria Konzett, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Josef S. Smolen, Eirik Klami Kristianslund, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Tore Kristian Aaserud Kvien

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of pulmonary embolism in patients with inflammatory joint disease—results from the nationwide Norwegian Cardio-rheuma registry

Eirik Ikdahl, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Amirhossein Kazemi, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Trine-Lise Larsen, Anne Grete Semb

European Heart Journal (EHJ) - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy


Course and predictors of work productivity in gout - results from the NOR-Gout longitudinal 2-year treat-to-target study

Till Uhlig, Lars Fridtjof Karoliussen, Joseph Sexton, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Tore Kristian Aaserud Kvien, Espen A. Haavardsholm



Is the risk of infection higher during treatment with secukinumab than with TNF inhibitors? An observational study from the Nordic countries

Bente Glintborg, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Johan K. Wallman, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Dan Nordström, Anna-Mari Hokkanen



Persisting mortality gap in systemic lupus erythematosus; a population-based study on juvenile- and adult-onset SLE in Norway 1999-2022

Sigrid Reppe Moe, Hilde Haukeland, Cathrine Brunborg, Antonela Botea, Nenad Damjanic, Gro Årthun Wivestad



How does current disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis affect the short-term risk of acute coronary syndrome? A clinical register based study from Sweden and Norway

Bénédicte Delcoigne, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Eirik Kristianslund, Johan Askling, Lotta Ljung

European journal of internal medicine


Uptake and effectiveness of newer biologic and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in psoriatic arthritis: results from five Nordic biologics registries

Bente Glintborg, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Johan Karlsson Wallman, Dan C Nordström, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Merete Lund Hetland

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Cardiovascular organ damage in relation to hypertension status in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Gyda Ullensvang, Ester Anne Kringeland, Eirik Ikdahl, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Inger Jorid Berg, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad

Blood Pressure


Exposure to specific tumour necrosis factor inhibitors and risk of demyelinating and inflammatory neuropathy in cohorts of patients with inflammatory arthritis: a collaborative observational study across five Nordic rheumatology registers

Benedicte Delcoigne, Tine Iskov Kopp, Elizabeth V. Arkema, Karin Hellgren, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Heikki Relas

RMD Open


Haematological malignancies in patients with psoriatic arthritis overall and treated with TNF inhibitors: a Nordic cohort study

Rene Lindholm Cordtz, Johan Askling, Benedicte Delcoigne, Karin E. Smedby, Eva Baecklund, Christine Ballegaard

RMD Open


Four SARS-CoV-2 vaccine doses or hybrid immunity in patients on immunosuppressive therapies: a Norwegian cohort study

Kristin H. Bjørlykke, Hilde Sofie Sager Ørbo, Anne Therese Tveter, Ingrid Jyssum, Joseph Sexton, Trung Tran

The Lancet Rheumatology


Immunogenicity and safety of a three-dose SARS-CoV-2 vaccination strategy in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases on immunosuppressive therapy

Silje Watterdal Syversen, Ingrid Jyssum, Anne Therese Tveter, Joseph Sexton, Ingrid Egeland Christensen, Trung Tran

RMD Open


Do patient-reported measures of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis vary between countries? Results from a Nordic collaboration

Bénédicte Delcoigne, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Hilde Berner Hammer, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Thomas Frisell, Bente Glintborg



The persistence of anti-Spike antibodies following two SARS-CoV-2 vaccine doses in patients on immunosuppressive therapy compared to healthy controls—a prospective cohort study

Ingrid Egeland Christensen, Ingrid Jyssum, Anne Therese Tveter, Joseph Sexton, Trung Tran, Siri Mjaaland

BMC Medicine


Implementation of recommendations in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: Considerations for development and uptake

Estibaliz Loza, Loreto Carmona, Anthony Woolf, Bruno Fautrel, Delphine S Courvoisier, Suzanne Verstappen

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


The occurrence of multiple treatment switches in axial spondyloarthritis. Results from five Nordic rheumatology registries

Daniela Di Giuseppe, Ulf Lindström, Kalle Aaltonen, Heikki Relas, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Bjorn Gudbjornsson



One-Year Treatment Outcomes of Secukinumab Versus Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Spondyloarthritis: Results From Five Nordic Biologic Registries Including More Than 10,000 Treatment Courses

Bente Glintborg, Ulf Lindström, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Merete Lund Hetland

Arthritis care & research


Immunogenicity and Safety of Standard and Third-Dose SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Patients Receiving Immunosuppressive Therapy

Silje Watterdal Syversen, Ingrid Jyssum, Anne Therese Tveter, Trung Tran, Joseph Sexton, Sella Aarrestad Provan

Arthritis & Rheumatology


Short-term, intermediate-term and long-term risks of acute coronary syndrome in cohorts of patients with RA starting biologic DMARDs: Results from four Nordic countries

Benedicte Delcoigne, Lotta Ljung, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Bente Glintborg, Merete Lund Hetland, Kathrine Lederballe Grøn

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Humoral and cellular immune responses to two and three doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in rituximab-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective, cohort study

Ingrid Jyssum, Hassen Kared, Trung Tran, Anne Therese Tveter, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Joseph Sexton

The Lancet Rheumatology


Use of video consultations in an outpatient rheumatology clinic

Anne Therese Tveter, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Ellen Moholt, Kjetil Bergsmark, Nina Østerås

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening


Effectiveness of a Second Biologic After Failure of a Non–tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor As First Biologic in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Merete Lund Hetland, Thomas Frisell, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Karin Hellgren, Bente Glintborg

Journal of Rheumatology


Serious infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: data from register linkage of the NOR-DMARD study

Ingrid Egeland Christensen, Siri Lillegraven, Mielnik Pawel, Gunnstein Bakland, Liz Paucar Loli, Joseph Sexton

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Effects of a mindfulness-based and acceptance-based group programme followed by physical activity for patients with fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial

Trond Haugmark, Kåre Birger Hagen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Geir Smedslund, Heidi A Zangi

BMJ Open


The changing states of fibromyalgia in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: results from the British Society of Rheumatology Biologics Register for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Sella A. Provan, Linda E. Dean, Gareth Jones, Gary J. Macfarlane



Risk of solid cancers overall and by subtypes in patients with psoriatic arthritis treated with TNF inhibitors - a Nordic cohort study

Karin Hellgren, Christine Ballegaard, Bénédicte Delcoigne, René Cordtz, Dan C. Nordström, Kalle Aaltonen



Trajectories of change in symptom severity in patients with fibromyalgia: exploratory analyses of a randomised controlled trial

Trond Haugmark, Kåre Birger Hagen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Joseph Sexton, Heidi Andersen Zangi

Rheumatology International


Inflammatory hallmarks of lesser prominence in psoriatic arthritis patients starting biologics: A Nordic population-based cohort study

Rebekka Lund Hansen, Tanja Schoedt Jørgensen, Lene Dreyer, Merete Lund Hetland, Bente Glintborg, Johan Askling



How do we use biologics in rheumatoid arthritis patients with a history of malignancy? An assessment of treatment patterns using Scandinavian registers

Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Bénédicte Delcoigne, Thomas Frisell, Merete L. Hetland, Bente Glintborg, Lene Dreyer

RMD Open


Comparison of treatment retention and response to secukinumab versus tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis

Ulf Lindström, Bente Glintborg, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Tanja Schjødt Jørgensen, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Kathrine Lederballe Grøn



High-Intensity Exercise Improves Fatigue, Sleep, and Mood in Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Hanne Dagfinrud, Inger Jorid Berg, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Melissa Woll Johansen, Elisabeth Alexandersen Pedersen

Physical Therapy


Trajectories of fatigue in actively treated patients with established rheumatoid arthritis starting biologic DMARD therapy

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Brigitte Michelsen, Joseph Sexton, Till Uhlig, Hilde Berner Hammer

RMD Open


Fatigue is cross-sectionally not associated with objective assessments of inflammation, but changes in fatigue are associated with changes of disease activity assessments during biologic treatment of patients with established rheumatoid arthritis

Hilde Berner Hammer, Brigitte Michelsen, Joe Sexton, Till Uhlig, Sella Aarrestad Provan

Clinical Rheumatology


Trends in All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients With Incident Rheumatoid Arthritis: A 20-year Follow-Up Matched Case-Cohort Study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Siri Lillegraven, Joseph Sexton, Kristin Angel, Cathrine Austad, Espen A. Haavardsholm



Treatment retention of infliximab and etanercept originators versus their corresponding biosimilars: Nordic collaborative observational study of 2334 biologics naive patients with spondyloarthritis

Ulf Lindström, Bente Glintborg, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Dan C. Nordström, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Björn Gudbjörnsson

RMD Open


Biomarkers of cardiovascular risk across phenotypes of osteoarthritis

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Eirik Ikdahl, Alexander Mathiessen, Inger Jorid Berg, I. B. Wilkinson

Biomed Central Rheumatology


Swollen, but not tender joints, are independently associated with ultrasound synovitis: Results from a longitudinal observational study of patients with established rheumatoid arthritis

Hilde Berner Hammer, Brigitte Michelsen, Joseph Sexton, Ida Kristin Haugen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Espen A. Haavardsholm

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


High intensity exercise for 3 months reduces disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA): A multicentre randomised trial of 100 patients

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Annelie Bilberg, Inger Jorid Berg, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Anne Grete Semb

British Journal of Sports Medicine


Fibromyalgia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A 10-year follow-up study, results from the Oslo Rheumatoid Arthritis Register

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Cathrine Austad, Vera Halsaa, Hilde Berner Hammer, Tore Kristian Kvien, Till Uhlig

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology


Osteoarthritis-Related Walking Disability and Arterial Stiffness: Results From a Cross-Sectional Study

Kenth-Louis Hansen Joseph, Kåre Birger Hagen, Anne Therese Tveter, Karin Magnusson, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Hanne Dagfinrud

Arthritis care & research


Biological treatment in ankylosing spondylitis in the Nordic countries during 2010-2016: a collaboration between five biological registries

Bente Glintborg, Ulf Lindström, Kalle Aaltonen, Eirik Kristianslund, Björn Guðbjörnsson, Katerina Chatzidionysiou

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology


Tender joint count may not reflect inflammatory activity in established rheumatoid arthritis patients: results from a longitudinal study

Hilde Berner Hammer, Brigitte Michelsen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Joseph Sexton, Jon Lampa, Till Uhlig

Arthritis care & research


Associations Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Arterial Stiffness in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Cross-sectional Study

Inger Jorid Berg, Anne Grete Semb, Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Camilla Fongen, Desirée van der Heijde, Tore Kristian Kvien

Journal of Rheumatology


Effects of a community-based multicomponent rehabilitation programme for patients with fibromyalgia: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Trond Haugmark, Kåre Birger Hagen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Elisebeth Bærheim, Heidi Andersen Zangi

BMJ Open


Opportunities and challenges for real-world studies on chronic inflammatory joint diseases through data enrichment and collaboration between national registers: the Nordic example

Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Merete Lund Hetland, Thomas Frisell, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Karin Hellgren, Bente Glintborg

RMD Open


Treating fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: does patient age matter?

Till Uhlig, Sella Aarrestad Provan

Drugs & Aging


Evidence of reduced parasympathetic autonomic regulation in inflammatory joint disease: A meta-analyses study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Daniela Schäfer Olstad, Erik Ekker Solberg, Geir Smedslund, Hanne Dagfinrud

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Calcium supplementation and inflammation increase mortality in rheumatoid arthritis: A 15-year cohort study in 609 patients from the Oslo Rheumatoid Arthritis Register

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Cathrine Austad, Glenn Haugeberg, Tore Kristian Kvien, Till Uhlig

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Predictive value of arterial stiffness and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis for cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Eirik Ikdahl, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Grunde Wibetoe, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Inger Jorid Berg, Jonny Hisdal

Journal of Rheumatology


CRP and ASDAS are associated with future elevated arterial stiffness, a risk marker of cardiovascular disease, in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Results after 5-year follow-up

Inger Jorid Berg, Anne Grete Semb, Desirée van der Heijde, Tore Kristian Kvien, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Hanne Dagfinrud

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Disease activity in ankylosing spondylitis and associations to markers of vascular pathology and traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors: A cross-sectional study

Inger Jorid Berg, Desirée van der Heijde, Hanne Dagfinrud, Ingebjørg Seljeflot, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Tore Kristian Kvien

Journal of Rheumatology


The impact of newer biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs on cardiovascular risk factors: A 12-month longitudinal study in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with rituximab, abatacept and tociliziumab

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Inger Jorid Berg, Hilde Berner Hammer, Alexander Mathiessen, Tore Kristian Kvien, Anne Grete Semb



Circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines and cytokine receptors in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A cross-sectional comparative study

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Inger Jorid Berg, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Thor Ueland

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology


Efficacy of High Intensity Exercise on Disease Activity and Cardiovascular Risk in Active Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Silje Halvorsen Sveaas, Inger Jorid Berg, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Kåre Birger Hagen, Nina Køpke Vøllestad



Uveitis is associated with hypertension and atherosclerosis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A cross-sectional study

Inger Jorid Berg, Anne Grete Semb, Desirée van der Heijde, Tore Kristian Kvien, Jonny Hisdal, Inge Christoffer Olsen

Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism


Relationship between types of radiographic damage and disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the EURIDISS cohort: a longitudinal study

Victoria Navarro-Compan, Robert Landewé, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Sigrid Ødegård, Till Uhlig, Tore Kristian Kvien



Hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis in a Norwegian population-based study - The MUST protocol

Nina Østerås, May Arna Risberg, Tore Kristian Kvien, Lars Engebretsen, Lars Nordsletten, Dag Bruusgaard

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study

Silje Halvorsen, Nina Køpke Vøllestad, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Désirée van der Heijde, Kåre Birger Hagen

Arthritis Care and Research


Associations between APOE Genotypes and Disease Susceptibility, Joint Damage and Lipid Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Marthe Thoresen Mæhlen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Diederik P.C. de Rooy, Annette H.M. van der Helm-van Mil, Annemarie Krabben, Tore Saxne



Carotid Plaque Characteristics and Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anne Grete Semb, Silvia Christin Hellerud Rollefstad, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Tore Kristian Kvien, Einar Stranden, Inge Christoffer Olsen

Journal of Rheumatology


The L-arginine/asymmetric dimethylarginine ratio is improved by anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha therapy in inflammatory arthropathies. Associations with aortic stiffness

Kristin Angel, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Petter Mowinckel, Ingebjørg Seljeflot, Tore Kristian Kvien, Dan Atar



Effect of 1-Year Anti-TNF-alpha Therapy on Aortic Stiffness, Carotid Atherosclerosis, and Calprotectin in Inflammatory Arthropathies: A Controlled Study

Kristin Angel, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Magne Kristoffer Fagerhol, Petter Mowinckel, Tore Kristian Kvien, Dan Atar

American Journal of Hypertension


Physical Fitness in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis: Comparison With Population Controls

Silje Halvorsen, Nina Køpke Vøllestad, Camilla Fongen, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Kåre Birger Hagen

Physical Therapy


High cardiorespiratory fitness is related to lower cardiovascular risk in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Silje Halvorsen, Nina Køpke Vøllestad, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Désirée van der Heijde, Kåre Birger Hagen

Arthritis Care and Research


Remission is the goal for cardiovascular risk management in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional comparative study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Anne Grete Semb, Jonny Hisdal, Einar Stranden, Stefan Agewall, Hanne Dagfinrud

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Changes in arterial stiffness during continued infliximab treatment in patients with inflammatory arthropathies

Kristin Angel, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Hilde Berner Hammer, Petter Mowinckel, Tore Kristian Kvien, Dan Atar

Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology


Early Prediction of Increased Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Chronic Inflammation: A 15-year Followup Study of 108 Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Kristin Angel, Anne Grete Semb, Petter Mowinckel, Stefan Agewall, Dan Atar

Journal of Rheumatology


EULAR evidence-based recommendations for cardiovascular risk management in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis

Mike J.L. Peters, Deborah P.M. Symmons, David McCarey, Ben A.C. Dijkmans, Paulo Nicola, Tore Kristian Kvien

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Changes in arterial stiffness during continued infliximab treatment in patients with inflammatory arthropathies

Kristin Angel, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Hilde Berner Hammer, Petter Mowinckel, Tore Kristian Kvien, Dan Atar

Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology


NT-proBNP predicts mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from 10-year follow-up of the EURIDISS study

Sella Aarrestad Provan, Kristin Angel, Anne Grete Semb, Dan Atar, Tore Kristian Kvien

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Antagonists Improve Aortic Stiffness in Patients With Inflammatory Arthropathies A Controlled Study

Kristin Angel, Sella Aarrestad Provan, Hanne Løvdal Gulseth, Petter Mowinckel, Tore Kristian Kvien, Dan Atar
